Melt Belly Fat - The Calorie Shifting Diet

To melt belly fat, you would no doubt need to adjust your diet and your exercise routine.

If you are looking for a boost to help you melt belly fat away as quickly as possible, you can opt for a rapid weight loss diet commonly known as calorie shifting.

\"easy To Follow Diet\"

It is so extreme, that you can literally lose as many as an entire pound every single day!

Melt Belly Fat - The Calorie Shifting Diet

There are only 5 basic rules to the calorie shifting diet:

1. You must eat four meals per day.

2. You can eat as much as you want at each meal as long as you stop before you become too full.

3. You must follow the diet in cycles of 11 days of dieting, followed by 3 days off.

4. You must eat foods from all four food groups (dairy, bread, fruits / vegetables, and meat).

5. You must create a meal plan such that you group different food groups together and rotate combination match-ups one meal after another.

Calorie shifting is highly effective, highly reliable, safe, and easy to follow to melt belly fat.

The way the diet works is that by shifting your groupings of food groups constantly from meal to meal creates a caloric variance in your diet (you consume more calories at one meal and fewer at another). This "shock treatment" results in your metabolism tapping into your body's fat stores to melt belly fat away.

Also, the 3 day break as described above, is required in order to give your body some rest. Rapid weight loss over sustained periods of time is unsafe. By introducing this 3-day break, during which you are allowed to eat whatever you want, you are restoring some of that equilibrium into your system.

Melt Belly Fat - The Calorie Shifting Diet

Can you really lose 9 pounds every 11 days on the Calorie Shifting diet?